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The INSTALL command creates a new installation of UOS by copying system files to a new directory.

INSTALL Dialogue


Response - Type INSTALL at the main prompt.

Disk to install to <DISKA0> :

Explanation - INSTALL asks for the disk to install to.  It shows the default in brackets.

Response - Enter the disk, or press Enter for the default.

Name for install <UOS1> :

Explanation - INSTALL asks for name of the new install.  It shows the default in brackets.  The name must be a valid file name since the directory created will have the entered name.

Response - Enter the disk, or press Enter for the default.

Make this the default install <YES>?

Explanation - INSTALL asks if this new installation is to be marked as the default installation.

Response - Type YES to make this the default installation.  Type NO to leave the current default unchanged.

Copying files
Hooking uos...

Explanation - INSTALL indicates that it is copying files and then hooking the new installation.