Database sets

This option displays database sets and allows them to be edited or deleted. See Database Sets.

Delete: Pressing this button deletes the associated database set.

Edit: Pressing this button allows you to edit the existing database set. It brings up the following page where you can change the setting and press Update to commit those changes.

Add: Pressing this button allows you to add a new database set. It brings up the following page where you can enter the access information for the database set. Pressing the Add button here will commit your new database set.

Name: The name of the database set. Note that names starting with "ewe$" are reserved for EWE.

Server: The IP address of the server that contains the database for this database set.

Database: The name of the database for this database set on the above server.

User: The user name used to access the above database.

Password: The password for the above user.